Oil Palm
Research-based Oil Palm Agroforestry:How can tree enrichment contribute to sustainable oil palm cultivation?- Edition 2023 -

Learning unit on the EFForTS - Biodiversity Enrichment Experiment (BEE)

Topic: Research-based oil palm agroforestry (with a focus on Jambi province, Sumatra, Indonesia) and its potential to reconcile human welfare and the environment.

The research and the development of these educational resources is conducted within the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 990 – Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems. EFForTS is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; DFG).

Introduction to the Self-Learning Unit on

Research-based Oil Palm Agroforestry

With the help of this unit, you will explore the potential of research-based oil palm agroforestry for sustainable oil palm cultivation. The unit is mostly about oil palm cultivation in Jambi, Indonesia, but you will also learn about oil palm agroforestry in general.

In Module I, you encounter the focal issue “oil palm cultivation and its impact on human welfare and the environment”, gain background knowledge on the needs for sustainable oil palm management, and learn about concepts, potentials, and obstacles of approaches for reconciling human welfare and the environment.

Then, in Module II, you engage with interdisciplinary research on oil palm agroforestry. The EFForTS Biodiversity Enrichment Experiment (BEE) is introduced. Based on your analysis of the current research status, you (theoretically) design an own research-based palm agroforestry system concept.

In Module III, you take the role as a science communicator. You synthesize key ideas and your gained knowledge to enrich the existing information campaign on oil palm agroforestry for farmers or further target groups of the public. Finally, it is time for reflection of the unit and (peer-)review of your science communication media.

Follow this self-learning unit page by page to not miss out on any information.

There is enough room for you to write down your answers immediately. You can double-click on the green boxes to type in your answers. If you should ever need more space, feel free to use additional pages. You can follow the links behind the figures, QR, videos codes by right-clicking on an open link.

  • Overarching activity: The design of a science communication media (e.g., infographic/poster, popular article, video/interview) on research-based oil palm agroforestry should serve as final group assignment for this unit.

  • Hint for tasks: Some tasks are specifically asking for your pre-knowledge. Don’t worry if you have few ideas, you can return to these tasks later and add or modify your answers. Furthermore, some tasks are open tasks. For open tasks, there are multiple possible answers.

  • Supplementary questions: These questions are no task. They should just serve as thinking stimuli for you.

The modules and the corresponding exemplary solutions are provided to you step by step.

Enjoy working with this unit and have fun making it your own experience with research-based oil palm agroforestry. Terima kasih. The authors of this booklet are open for questions or feedback at any time. Contact Finn K. Matthiesen

Overall Learning Objective

The guiding questions of the unit are:

How can tree enrichment contribute to more sustainable oil palm cultivation?

In which way can research-based oil palm agroforestry be a solution to reconcile human welfare and the environment?

Below, you find an overview of what you will be able to do by the end of this unit. There will also be specific learning objectives at the beginning of each module.

Overall Learning Objectives

By the end of this unit, you will be able to…

Explain how oil palm cultivation impacts human welfare and the environment in Jambi province.

Discuss potential solutions for more sustainable oil palm cultivation.

Describe the EFForTS Biodiversity Enrichment Experiment (BEE).

Analyze interdisciplinary research on oil palm agroforestry, corresponding findings and formulate research gaps.

Design your own oil palm agroforestry system concept.

Analyze current information campaigns on and for oil palm agroforestry.

Design your own science communication media on research-based oil palm agroforestry.

Oil Palm Yield

Figure 1: Oil Palm Yield. (Photo: Sibhatu, n.d.).


You have to finish the module before proceeding to the next module.

Collaborative Research Center 990
Contacts:Georg-August-Universität GöttingenWilhelmplatz 1 (Aula)37073 Göttingen0551 39-0